Your point of contact for quick, actionable insights into technology and business.
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The digital epoch we live in calls the shots to businesses and has by now turned mobility into their prime concern. The mobile-first approach is the major commercial hi-tech trend of the contemporaneity. That’s why it’s important to know what mobile applications exist, what peculiarities they have and what benefits can each category offer for specific business needs.
In fact, there are three app types – web, native, hybrid. This article is dedicated to the difference they have and the advantages they promise to business. We want you not to stumble upon the dilemma which one to develop for your corporate needs. It is critical to assess each type before the final choice since it is able to make or break your enterprise solution.
We will pay our main attention to the analysis of mobile solutions. They are much more advantageous then web ones, having no notifications and permitting more freedom in the domain of monetization and UX.
Omitting the peculiarities of web app development, we proceed to mobile solutions because they are preferred by some companies even over sites. Such applications allow direct interaction with clients and constant improvements for customers’ best convenience. Uber is the service which occurs first as a case in point.
However, to create a cutting-edge engaging solution for a mobile platform much effort, time, and money are needed. If you represent small business, you should be careful both in your choice between native and hybrid mobile app development and cost approximations.
Everybody is aware of the two competing modern systems – iOS and Android. Native solutions are written in different programming languages for only one out of them. Swift or Objective-C are for iOS, Kotlin, and Java – for Android with the corresponding SDK. Each type has specific interface elements (fonts, graphics) as well as behavior.
If you want to cover both OS, native apps creation will double your expenditures. That’s where hybrid app development should be thought of. Being a blend of web and native technologies, it’s crafted with HTML5, JS, CSS, and linked to the hardware of a certain device. The engineers work out a single core code suitable for both platforms. So the main peculiarity of such a product is its process of creation. Perfectly crafted and authorized by Google and Apple it will not contrast to the native app visually, still having the specific technology under hood.
To make a well-weight selection of an application for your business, you should be aware of the welfares and implications of each product. Let’s check them together.
A native app will run faster since it’s produced on the native framework of a platform chosen. The overall functionality will be also higher since it will be able to link the hardware of a device with the necessary databases without additional plugins or tools. Besides, it can work even offline. It’s easier to protect delicate data with a native solution.
Among the common negative impacts of the native apps development, we should mention that it’s time and money consuming process. In case you want to cover both platforms, the scope of work doubles as well as testing procedures. The distributed codebase should also be mentioned. There are features, which are typical for one platform and unavailable for another, so certain versions may stay out of control for years. The solution crafted for another platform will at the same time receive regular updates.
A hybrid product will operate on both operating systems and utilizing the same HTML it requires no code duplication. Besides, hybrid apps encourage their authors to be more thoughtful about their users and implement only the features, working on both platforms. These facts and less testing time needed result in less development time, and faster coming out into the market. The additional advantage of hybrid solutions is their ability to support the SQLite database and some offline features.
To draw a line, we should say that native apps are good for big companies, ready and able to invest in perfect UX and security. That’s why banking institutions and financial services mostly go for native. Small businesses with tight budgets or startups eager to launch their solutions as soon as possible should go for a hybrid.
When considering a hybrid solution for your corporate needs, learn a bit of its development process to evaluate the strength and weaknesses of such an approach even better. The app is created similar to a website but put into containers, that’s why JS files, special APIs, and webview control are the key hybrid mobile app development tools.
Besides, hybrid mobile app development with ionic framework helps to craft products using ordinary web technologies, but with extra plugins. That’s why it’s vital to keep in mind that ionic hybrid mobile app development may require additional interference on part of the engineer.
In case you focus on content delivery, choose a hybrid solution for your activity. The approach has proven effective for the travel industry, review-related sources, photos, and consumer rating services. It’s always better to order such products from Axisbits-like experts, having the due level of hybrid mobile app development training and expertise. Then your idea will be most accurately turned into life with prompt constructive feedback from customers.
This article is dedicated to the difference that hybrid apps have and the advantages they promise to business. We want you not to stumble upon the dilemma which one to develop for your corporate needs. It is critical to assess each type before the final choice since it is able to make or break your enterprise solution.
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In less than 2 weeks, 2023 will arrive. Designing a website isn't rocket science, nor is it a mixture of rainbows and unicorns. But having an outdated website in the modern era is a grave crime you can commit. And as a result, you have to pay the high price of losing loyal customers. Thus, the year 2023 is to make your brand website exciting and attractive. Because it is the website that is an online front of your brand.Here are the 5 effective ways to get more out of [your web design]( 1. CredibilityThe website’s credibility is like an insider’s joke, not everyone gets it, but those who do, understands the importance of its existence. And one size fits all concept doesn't apply here. If the website sells earthen products, the color, fonts, and graphics are warm. Similarly, the website of a financial planning company needs to have disciplined fonts and HD images. If all fonts of two websites are interchanged, the website's credibility goes down the drain. If you want to outshine your competitors, your brand's website must be state-of-the-art. With the latest and updated website comes credibility. People trust websites that have a personalized touch and are not robotic. With correct colors, modern designs (doodles and illustrations and animations), crisp and catchy, informative content, effective CTA button, and regular updating, the credibility of a website is built.It might be difficult for brands to build such websites on their own, which is why they [hire top web design companies]([146]=ch) who will not only create the website but maintain it too. Also, they will upgrade it from time to time, adding features and making it even easier for people to navigate. ## 2. Brand ConsistencyWeb Designing plays a massive part in maintaining brand consistency. Every website page should have correct and concise information about the brand. Also, it doesn't mean that the website is stuffed with the brand; instead, it should be subtle and valuable. The website's consistency ensures that your website looks coherent and works harmoniously. All website elements, such as headers, footers, sidebars, navigation bars, etc., should align with each other. Benefits of Brand Consistency:* gives your users a positive experience of the brand* enables users to carry out tasks quickly and efficiently* improves the usability of your website* eliminates the pain points and difficult navigation* saves money and time on designIf the design of the website supports the story of the brand, then people will put their faith in the brand. But if it doesn't deliver what they have promised, people will leave the website quicker than expected. Also, how you portray your website online will show how the business looks offline. Hence, brand consistency is a must when discussing web design in 2023.## 3. RevenueWeb design can generate revenue, which is one of the effective ways to get more in the year 2023 and subsequently. If the website is designed correctly, the space can be sold for advertisements like newspaper websites. Making a page for the subscription can help gather data about people and convert them by sending personalized offers, discounts, information, and messages.Product Review, Affiliate Marketing, and selling digital products are a few ways to generate revenue from the website. Having said this, publishing quality articles can also generate revenue from the website. For example, if you own a gaming website and you're able to share some little-known strategies in an article. If you can hook the visitor in by sharing a few tips, then link to a password-protected page (this is an option within WordPress) for the most valuable information.## 4. Google RankingWhen the website is designed correctly, the content fits perfectly, which in turn helps with Google ranking. SERPs do not just consider written content; they take images, text, alt tags, and video content. If the website is poorly designed, customers will leave quickly.Also, if the website is loaded with heavy design, it might take too much time to load, which will bore users. They do not have enough patience to continue staying on the website. The site should be simple and easy to navigate. It shouldn't give the user a hard time to dig the things that they wish to find. Otherwise, they might end up abandoning the website. ## 5. Reduced Bounce RateWebsite Design shouldn’t be underestimated when it comes to user retention rate. Thus, if the content isn’t appealing and isn’t placed correctly, users might not stay long enough to stay on the website. The best course of action here would be to take the assistance of a reputable web designer for help, but here are some basics to bear in mind:Good contrast needs to be there between the background and text colors. It will make your site more accessible to the eye.Cluttered sites are challenging to digest. Hence, keep them minimal and attractive. Ads are off-putting, so keep these at bay or strategically placed, so they're not overbearing.Be intentional with the placement of design elements to guide your users through the page in the right direction. Try to create a visual journey from left to right, as this is the natural direction the eye follows.Another point to keep in mind while taking into consideration the bounce rate of website design, is that mobile responsiveness of the website. If the site isn’t responsive enough on mobile, its bounce rate reflects in the results. Similarly, if links are broken, then it affects the user retention rate, and they will give up pretty quickly. ### Conclusion:How do we know [what a successful website looks like?]( Well, there is no definition for a successful website, but a website that attracts more customers, makes money, and is navigation friendly is a good one. One such website is [GoodFirms]( It is a review and research portal to find all kinds of services and software. Thus, have a look at this website and see how it is possible to get more out of web design.
As we approach 2023, it's important to ensure that your website is modern, attractive, and effective. A website is often the first point of contact between a brand and its customers, and having an outdated or poorly designed site can turn away potential business. In this article, we will outline five effective ways to get more out of your web design in 2023. These include improving credibility, maintaining brand consistency, generating revenue, improving your Google ranking, and focusing on mobile optimization. By following these tips, you can create a website that engages visitors, showcases your brand, and helps drive business growth.
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Die Effizienz und Rentabilität eines CRM-Systems wirft keine Fragen mehr auf: Das System automatisiert jedes Glied im Verkaufsprozess: vom Lead bis zum Abschluss des Geschäfts. Es ist die Systematisierung und die Arbeit mit Daten wie Kontakten, Transaktionshistorie, Vorschlägen und Beschwerden, und all das ermöglicht es, die Kundenbindungskennzahlen zu erhöhen und besser auf zukünftige Kundenwünsche einzugehen.
Dies ist nur der erste Schritt. Der zweite Schritt ist der folgende: die Erweiterung des CRM-Systems durch das Kundenportal. Das Kundenportal wird die Transparenz des Unternehmens erhöhen und dazu beitragen, den Transaktionsprozess für beide Parteien bequemer und schneller zu gestalten.
Verbraucher brauchen gut durchdachte Kundenportale. Nach den Ergebnissen der Microsoft Forschung sind dies die Hauptprobleme, die einen Kunden dazu zwingen, sich ein anderes Unternehmen mit einem besseren Kundenservice zu suchen: die Notwendigkeit, dieselben Informationen mehrmals zu wiederholen (21%), die Unfähigkeit, die notwendigen Informationen zu finden oder das Problem online zu lösen (20%), die Kommunikation mit einem Roboter statt mit einem menschlichen Spezialisten (30%).
Quelle: Microsoft - State of Global Customer Service Report
Wir sehen, dass die Kunden ihre Probleme selbst lösen wollen und nur als letzten Ausweg den Support kontaktieren und Hilfe erhalten wollen. Bei der Nutzung der Website hinterlässt der Kunde nicht nur die Telefonnummer und die E-Mail-Adresse, sondern auch seine Nutzungserfahrungen und Gewohnheiten, bei deren Untersuchung die CRM-Programme dem Kunden besser helfen können. Dank dieses Wissens können Sie die Bedürfnisse des Käufers besser verstehen und antizipieren und neue nützliche Dienstleistungen entwickeln, die sich sicherlich positiv auf die Kundenbindungskennzahlen auswirken werden.
CRM hilft beim Aufbau und der Pflege dauerhafter Kundenbeziehungen, indem es die Kundenanfragen und den Prozess, wie aus einem Lead ein abgeschlossenes Geschäft wird, eingehend untersucht. Dies hilft, nützliche Schlüsse zu ziehen und, da man die Eigenschaften der Käufer kennt, die Angebote auf der Webseite besser zu personalisieren oder eine E-Mail mit ausgewählten Empfehlungen zu versenden.
Die Rolle von CRM bei der Kundenbindung beschränkt sich nicht nur auf die oben genannten Punkte - die Analyse und Erfassung von Kundenbeschwerden ermöglicht es, die häufigsten und wichtigsten Kunden rechtzeitig zu befriedigen. Das Geschäft wird immer kundenorientierter, Beschwerden und Wünsche sind notwendig für die Kundenbindung und positive Empfehlungen.
Hier sind einige weitere Vorteile eines CRM-Portals:
Es gibt eine eigene Kundengruppe, die ohne ein CRM nur schwer zu erkennen ist - inaktive Kunden (sie besuchen die Website nicht und kaufen schon seit längerer Zeit nichts mehr). Wenn Sie inaktive Kunden in einer eCRM-Plattform zusammenfassen, können Sie vermeiden, sie zu verlieren. Das ist wichtig, denn diese Gruppe sind potenzielle Kunden der Konkurrenz, also müssen Sie ihnen etwas bieten, was Ihre Konkurrenten nicht können. Die personalisierte Interaktion mit inaktiven Kunden (die wir dank der gut koordinierten Arbeit von CRM kennen) kann beispielsweise durch das Versenden von Sonderangeboten erfolgen.
Es gibt keine universell geeignete CRM-Option, die Struktur des Unternehmens ist immer einzigartig und höchstwahrscheinlich wird der Versuch, ein CRM nach einem standardisierten Szenario aufzubauen, zu weniger Ertrag führen als die für Ihr Unternehmen massgeschneiderte Version. Hier sind einige Richtlinien:
Im Zusammenhang mit einem Kundenportal sollten Sie daran denken, dass CRM nicht nur für Manager, sondern auch für die Verbraucher selbst existiert. Das ist eine offensichtliche Tatsache, die aber zu oft vergessen wird. 71% der Vertriebsmitarbeiter beschweren sich, dass CRMs zu umständlich sind und die Dateneingabe zu lange dauert. Wir müssen ein Gleichgewicht finden, um nicht an Effizienz zu verlieren.
Automatisierung ist nicht immer von Vorteil: Sie werden Ihre alten Kunden nicht anlocken können, wenn alle Angebote von verschiedenen Unternehmen in der E-Mail des Kunden gleich aussehen. Das ist genau der Grund, warum Sie manchmal experimentieren müssen.
Das ist nicht nur unrentabel, sondern kann auch einige Unannehmlichkeiten für Manager mit sich bringen. Sie müssen Felder und Zeilen verstehen, die bei der weiteren Arbeit einfach nicht mehr gebraucht werden. An diesem Punkt wird deutlich, dass die meisten Unternehmen massgeschneiderte CRMs benötigen.
Der wichtigste Teil beim Aufbau eines CRM ist die Suche nach einem kompetenten Entwickler und die Planung, nach der die Software für Sie erstellt wird. Danach folgt:
Im Jahr 2017 hat HP, das mehr als 600 Millionen Supportanrufe pro Jahr bearbeitet, den Service von Microsoft Dynamics 365, einem Entwickler von CRM-Systemen, genutzt.
Dieses Beispiel ist grossartig, denn es zeigt, wie das neue CRM-System von HP der Selbstbedienungsbranche helfen kann. Jeder HP PC wird mit dem HP Support Assistant geliefert. Wenn dem Kunden über einen Chat nicht geholfen werden konnte, kann er anrufen. Gleichzeitig weiss der Berater bereits, welches Problem der Kunde hat und wie er es lösen kann, wodurch eines der Hauptprobleme der Kunden gelöst wird: die Wiederholung derselben Informationen.
Die Mitarbeiter konnten nicht nur die Metriken zur Kundenbindung in Echtzeit überwachen, sondern auch, wie das System selbst Anfragen bearbeitet, und das Feedback der Kunden sehen. Martinez gibt an, dass 70 bis 80 Prozent der Probleme des Unternehmens jetzt digital gelöst werden: "Ursprünglich haben wir 15 bis 20 Prozent der Probleme digital gelöst... Es ist uns gelungen, diese Zahl auf 70-80% zu erhöhen..."
HP hat diese Entscheidung im Jahr 2017 getroffen, als CRM-Systeme vor allem für grosse Unternehmen geschaffen wurden, aber jetzt verwenden 91% der Organisationen mit mehr als 10 Mitarbeitern CRM-Systeme, es ist also Zeit zum Nachdenken.
Die Funktionen von CRM-Systemen ermöglichen nicht nur eine Steigerung der Kundenbindungskennzahlen, sondern auch deren Messung im System und die Weitergabe des Ergebnisses an die Kunden!
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Through the years, Axisbits has distinguished itself among the elite in digital industry. Our team has won countless awards for our services and continues to gain recognition for our forward-looking approach.We’ve also made efforts to gain the trust of our clients by encouraging them to share their thought on our work through reviews. This has proven a great asset for us as their words have become as big an influence on our groth as our own initiatives.![]( company we worked with is one of the leading tattoo studios in Switzerland. They wanted to develop a new homepage that presents their work with high quality. They discovered our team through word of mouth from various sources. They finally selected us after discussing the project’s details and their goals.Once all the details were decided on, the project itself was a fairly straightforward affair. Unfortunately, we can’t go through much of the details here. But those interested can read the client’s full review on our Clutch profile.We do want to highlight that thanks to the collective high score we’ve earned across all our reviews up to this point, it has given us a lot of positive attention. One of the most recent has been our inclusion in the top 80 web design companies in Switzerland list on The Manifest.They are a [company listing site](, whose rankings serve as a guide for businesses in need of specific skill sets for their ongoing projects. Our inclusion in their list is a good development for us as our presence on their platform means several things.First, due to the high-traffic and B2B focused nature of the site, we’ll be easier to find for potential clients. Second, our high ranking on the site establishes us as experts in the field and the best choice for their upcoming projects. All in all it significantly raises our chances of being selected for projects in the coming months.Our team intends to take advantage of this opportunity and showcase our skills to a wider audience. We already have the skills, knowledge, and experience to dominate our industry. All we require is the chance to do so.To learn more about how we're shaping the future of tech, read about the interview with our CEO on Website Planet.If you think we’re the right team for you, please reach out to us via phone, email, or the form available on our [contact page]( We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Through the years, Axisbits has distinguished itself among the elite in digital industry. Our team has won countless awards for our services and continues to gain recognition for our forward-looking approach.
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Boring outdated methods of learning must and are definitely on their way to stay where they belong - in the past. The vivid realization that people learn better through experience and much fuller immersion into what they’re being taught about has brought us the topic of out today’s article - immersive learning.Not that long ago, before the rapid popularization of virtual reality and artificial intelligence, teachers have already been introducing the first principles of immersion into their work through games and real-life scenarios.Now it’s gotten much more impressive and effective with the technological advances we have a privilege to call our everyday reality. Let’s dig deeper into the subject and find out more about the benefits of immersive learning.
Immersion learning is an innovative method of both learning and training with a solid cognitive and behavioral background that focuses on immersing students, trainees, and employees in real-life-like scenarios with the help of virtual reality tools and software.Numerous studies have shown that experiencing a scenario as close to the real-world situation as possible means that the brain treats it as a real thing, and, therefore, you can learn from it.With interactivity and curative feedback as the two pillars of the immersive learning method, here are the technologies that make it possible to achieve such efficient immersion in the first place:
Let’s now learn what is immersion learning doing exactly that helps people learn better in both the corporate world and a standard classroom.
This learning approach has taken into consideration that everyone learns differently - each of us has different tactics in studying, different ways we perceive information, which means a classic teaching style will not work the same for everyone.Immersive learning is also known to:
A virtual learning environment is a great tool to add to your organization if you’re looking for improving the process of your employees adopting necessary skills. By performing the tasks rather than reading about them, your workers can gain priceless experience faster than through traditional professional development courses.Numerous industries and companies around the world are already successfully using immersive training. For example, the American automotive corporation, Ford, added the internal virtual reality training tool to help their technicians train and detect problems with their new electric car. Other industries include logistics, healthcare, retail, manufacturing, etc.Implementing virtual reality and mixed reality for virtual learning environments must come gradually with the inclusion of the following steps to ensure program adoption:
Immersive learning solutions have been proven to be an excellent addition to classrooms and company training programs around the globe. Their advantages are generally indisputable, however, the true challenge comes from the virtual reality development and implementation process.It is crucial to find a professional web and software development company, such as Axisbits, that can turn your idea or vision into an easy-to-use and functional VR or AR solution. If you already have such an idea - contact us and tell our team all about it.
Discover the essentials and the benefits of bringing immersive learning into your teaching environment and how to do it the most effective way.
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Every single year, IT increases its presence in our everyday life. We are living in the most connected period of human civilization. However, such breakthroughs create possibilities for new generations of criminals. This article tells you about the challenges of healthcare cybersecurity.
We are living during the rising trend of cybersecurity threats. In 2020, cybercriminals caused damage on 3.3 billion dollars in the United States alone. This number doubled the price of stolen information in 2010, making robbing banks and jewelry stores entirely out of age.
However, not every piece of information costs the same on the black markets. Personally-identifying information, financial details, and protected health intel cost ten times more than stolen banking information. Data sensitivity increases the cost of data breach up to three times compared to other industries and makes healthcare cybersecurity more critical than ever. And to make matters worse, because health information is so sensitive, the cost to remedy a data breach is up to three times more than any other industry.
Thus, the government of the United States started to enforce HIPAA for healthcare institutions with significant penalties for ignoring this act. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) regulates the protection of valuable personal information.
But let’s take a closer look at some of the biggest challenges in using IoT in healthcare.
Every single industry has its problems and solutions. This section tells you about the cybersecurity challenges in using IoT in healthcare.
Combining the IoT and big data allows doctors to track the cloud and big data constantly. This innovation saves hundreds of lives every single day. However, the creators of such devices don’t put much thought into the cybersecurity of this system.
Most of the cloud and big data IoT services run on standard web browsers and operating systems, making them easy for cybercriminals. Besides, IoT devices in modern healthcare have been designed to work for 20 years. These devices include:
This equipment is essential to save people all over the world. Besides, it is costly to buy and maintain. Thus, cybersecurity specialists have to find a way to restore the holes in the security without replacing the hardware.
Additionally, Covid-19 forced the vast majority of people to visit doctors remotely. This increased the probability of data breaches and the need to stringer security protocols hard to enforce. Besides, we can’t exclude the human factor. It takes a doctor to download one small file from compromised websites to pass information to cybercriminals.
We can safely state that internet hygiene is one of the biggest cybersecurity challenges in healthcare.
The Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights recently urged healthcare institutions to update legacy software due to its vulnerability to cyberattacks.
The healthcare is not very happy with it. Legacy software is an enormous expanse for organizations, but they are ready to maintain it to provide the best services and earn more money. However, complete updates are expensive, but they will disrupt the usual flow of work, which will damage the economy and overall prestige of the organization.
Consequently, the majority use outdated software, which lacks constant support from the developer and makes them more vulnerable to attack.
The previous section showed that not many organizations keep up to date with healthcare software development. However, the even shorter amount of the possess cohesive IT department. Many hospitals lack organization when it comes to the governance of medical devices. For example, the critical medical device can be maintained by the department that is situated at and by the IT department. This causes a conflict of interests inside the organization and makes it harder to protect the information.
The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services published the Healthcare Sector Cybersecurity Framework Implementation Guide in 2016. We will thoroughly cover this piece in future articles, but we want to give a seven-step list to give you a cohesive view of cybersecurity in healthcare.
This article showed you the list of cybersecurity problems and presented the seven-step plan from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. However, you need to check out our exceptional services. Our specialists can help you with web design or create unique e-commerce projects. Besides, we make custom software for clients with specific requests.
Contact us to clarify questions and discuss any further information.
With every passing year, IT more integrates into our day-to-day life. This article tells about modern threats to healthcare cybersecurity.
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Design is all about turning something nebulous and vague into something tangible and concrete. This requires insight, creativity, and skill in order to achieve success. Fortunately, our team possesses all three in spades.
But don’t take our word for it. Listen to anyone that we’ve worked with before because they’ve just helped us once again claim the Clutch top web design company award in Switzerland.
For those unfamiliar with Clutch, they are a review and rating platform that primarily caters to the B2B industry. They stand out from other platforms due to their unique verification process. This is what allows them to determine the legitimacy of the information sent to them for publication as reviews.
In order for a business to become a top company on Clutch, they need to earn a high number of five-star reviews just like this one. We appreciate this criterion because it places the power in the hands of people that have direct experience with our work.
It’s because of this that we want to express our sincere gratitude for everyone that had a part in making this award a reality through writing reviews. Their effort in sharing their thoughts on our performance was the driving force behind allowing our team to claim this accolade.
“We're very pleased to receive Clutch's top firms in Switzerland award. It showcases that our excellence is not a temporary act, but a habit.”
Denis Gomes Iljazi, Co-Owner of Axisbits
We encourage everyone to learn more about our team and services by going through our website. If you like what you see why not give us a call and partner with us for your next project.
Design is all about turning something nebulous and vague into something tangible and concrete. This requires insight, creativity, and skill in order to achieve success. Fortunately, our team possesses all three in spades.
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Today a mobile device can fully substitute a desktop computer while fitting easily into a pocket. Of course, it has to be chock full of functionality.
Due to the overabundance of mobile apps in the market, every other brand seeks to add more variety to their products and find their target audience. To achieve a leading position, developers need to monitor the latest trends in mobile app development. Below we will take a look at some interesting trends in mobile app development that will be used by companies in the next year.
The situation around the world is forcing the online sales market to grow and develop as if on steroids. With the help of any convenient device, the user can place an online order and have it delivered in any convenient way. M-commerce is primarily a solution that helps automate sales. In simple terms, mobile commerce is all about simple search, push notifications, and a customer loyalty module (coupons, discounts, etc.).
The most common features that business owners want to see in their online store are voice search, one-click ordering, and multi-channel retail.
Mobile payments are already taking root in the FinTech industry. Each user can easily link one or several bank accounts to a mobile wallet to perform various financial transactions, including paying utility bills, online transfers, online purchases, etc.
In 2022, artificial intelligence will lead the way as one of the best technology breakthroughs. Three areas will stand out especially in AI and ML:
In the coming year, UX trends will be more and more common in mobile applications. The interface of the program is as important to the consumer as the functionality of the application itself. Motion design is a rather non-standard development approach that is still ignored by designers today, but such a solution will significantly improve the mobile application and attract more target audience. When introducing this feature, it is worth keeping in mind that motion design animation should not slow down the page loading speed.
Virtual reality technology is used in the furniture manufacturing industries, by fashion designers and makeup brands. With the help of a mobile phone camera and a mobile application, the customer will no longer have to buy the product blindly. They will be able to see how a sofa will look in their living room, or how a dress from the new collection of their favorite brand will fit.
2021 made it clear that spending time commuting is at the very least unnecessary, and working from our couch is a great alternative to going to the office. Many enterprises are making plans to continue working remotely. For this reason, the IT market will see an increase in demand for corporate applications that facilitate communication for remote collaboration.
The first thing you grab when going out is, of course, your phone. Without it, we can no longer imagine our life. Mobile applications allow us to monitor our activity, complete tasks quickly and efficiently, freeing up the time to cope with a large number of tasks. All the functionality of a smartphone makes the mobile app market a very lucrative place. In this part of the article, let’s take a look at the trending app ideas that, in our opinion, will shape 2022.
With the realities of our world, it is extremely difficult to see a doctor these days. Telemedicine is gaining popularity due to its great convenience. A video call replaces a trip to the doctor, without queues and other inconveniences – no wonder this diagnostic method is rapidly gaining popularity.
Developing telemedicine applications is without a doubt a great idea for a startup.
Sometimes we want to visit the gym but simply have no strength to get there. Sounds familiar? Fitness is, first of all, about health. Fitness app development will be one of the most popular mobile app industries in 2022.
Budgeting, investing and saving – those three principles are familiar to everyone. All three aspects are becoming more and more important, so the ideas of money management for both family and business can contribute to the development of successful mobile applications.
Why not put on augmented reality glasses and take a walk through the Louvre Museum or the Colosseum? AR can be used in almost any business area. Virtual reality is still a new idea in mobile app development that grabs the attention of users.
If you follow the trends in mobile application development, your business will bring higher profits. Modern technologies are developing rapidly, you can’t wait for too long to start implementing your ideas. The top 6 mobile app trends and ideas for 2022 that we have shown you will help you achieve a leading position in your niche. If you need help developing a custom mobile application, please contact us and we will be happy to help you.
Find out what mobile app trends make an app stand out, and use them to move your online business forward