our strengths


Software as unique as your company. We focus on individual applications, perfectly tailored to your needs.


Our solutions are technically sophisticated and aesthetically pleasing. Elegance and user-friendliness to strengthen your brand.


With us, your software meets today's requirements and remains competitive through constant further development and adaptation.


We stand for honesty and transparency. Our customer relationships are based on trust and reliability.

Start Phase

Process from initial contact to collaboration.

Initial Consultation

We start with an open discussion to understand your vision and goals. This is how we make sure that the project suits us and that a collaboration is beneficial for both of us.


We analyze the technical requirements together and lay the foundation for the documentation. This is how we define the scope and goals of your project.


Based on the requirements, we create a detailed partnership offer that includes a clear cost and schedule for the implementation of your vision.


In a further meeting, we clarify any uncertainties and discuss the possible implementation paths. This is how we prepare the service contract and start the project.

Deal & Onboarding

We agree on responsibilities and conditions, sign the contracts and start implementation. Onboarding ensures a harmonious collaboration.

Your External CPO

We act as your external Chief Product Officer (CPO), manage projects like an internal team and take care of the entire product development. This allows you to concentrate on your core tasks. We ensure that you make safe and guided progress with our high-end solutions.

Your project manager
(aka external CPO)

Proven Process



Get access to our customer portal and join our Slack channel to enable efficient communication supported by your project manager.


Scoping & Wireframing

We create wireframes to map the software interface, detailing the functionality and user interaction, laying the foundation for design and development.


UI/UX Design

Our designers create engaging, functional user interfaces, focusing on enhancing the user experience and target intent.



We turn your vision into reality with world-class development tools and ensure your design goals are met with constant updates and feedback.


Testing & Launch

We launch your software after extensive testing to mark the beginning of your digital success.



Optionally, you receive continuous support with updates, further development and individual corrections to maintain the effectiveness and longevity of your software.

Flexible & Scalable

We offer you the team you need via fixed monthly plans, adapted to your development speed.

As a partner, we support you strategically and flexibly in the continuous development of your software.

Our plans — from Budget to Enterprise — are customizable and can be changed with a 30-day lead time.

Centered on Human Value

We prioritize quality over quantity and treat our customers' projects as if they were our own. Authentic, honest and responsible.

We focus on goal-oriented and long-term partnerships. Our expertise as entrepreneurs and developers ensures technically and economically well thought-out solutions.

We adapt flexibly to the specific needs of our customers and guarantee the highest quality and reliability. Shall we realize your vision together?

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