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Application Security Testing Companies: 4 Tips to Find a Reliable Vendor for Web, iOS, Android Cloud and Static Applications Testing in the US

In this brief article, we’ll discuss the common truths of mobile, static, cloud, and web application security testing and direct you in finding the niche experts on the job market that will do the job right.

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Web Design Services for Small Business: How to Extend Your Team with Skilled Professionals Using Virtual Teams

In this article we'll figure out the most significant edges of remote web design services for small businesses over the traditional ones, consider their shortcomings, and find out how you can implement this organization approach into your web business successfully.

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The Top Cloud Security Threats: What Issues to Expect in 2019 and How to Avoid Them

In this article, we discuss the top 5 Cloud security threats that you should be aware of even before migrating to the cloud to prepare countermeasures to avoid any problems.

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Enterprise Tech Trends 2019: 4 Things You Shouldn’t Miss This Year

So, what has this year prepared for us in terms of enterprise technology trends? It was fairly hard to focus our attention on only four of them, but we managed to do this. Let’s take a closer at look at the opportunities they bring.

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The Top 5 Variables of Project Cost Estimation

Understanding how important cost estimation from the early stages of a project is essential. Those in project management need to know how poor project cost estimation can impact the end result of a project. So, what does happen when project managers fail to estimate the cost of a project accurately?

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Tips for Building Successful Solutions with AWS Marketplace for a New Business

The AWS Marketplace can be used in many different ways by businesses. Businesses and companies can either sell their products via the AWS cloud or purchase products there. The AWS Marketplace can cater to various types of cloud-based software. Let's take a look how you can use AWS for your own business.

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Top 10 Automation Testing Tools for Web Applications in 2019. Part II

We’ve already covered the first five best automation testing tools (Selenium, Katalon Studio, TestCompete, Soap UI, and Ranorex) that deserve your attention in one of our previous posts. Now, let’s take a look at five more tools that you may find suitable.

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Top 10 Automation Testing Tools for Web Applications in 2019. Part I

In case you are in the process of finding a tech partner for automated testing, we’ve got you covered – we prepared the list of top five automation testing tools that we can set up for your solution to ensure it always stays top-notch.

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