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How Digital Technologies Are Transforming Markets during COVID-19 in 2020

If your company is aimed at success, using customer experience digital transformation to enhance the quality of service may be critical, especially during COVID-19 in 2020

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Stay Safe: How to Create the Remote Health-Monitoring System for Hospitals

The latest pandemic has surely caught the entire world off guard. Now, with numerous scientists and clinicians working hard on the solutions for the current situation, some companies were able to develop certain ways of mitigating the losses and dealing with the acute need of health and safety monitoring systems.

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5 Simple Steps for Building a Digital Transformation Strategy that Works for Your Business

Digitalization is everywhere around. IDC investigation a year ago revealed that 85% of business decision-makers believed they have 2 years to make a shift into a digital transformation to remain competitive and avoid financial losses

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How Much Does It Cost to Maintain an App?

Releasing an app on the AppStore or Google Play is just the beginning of a long way of your application. In the future, it will require further technical support, including monitoring and fixing the defects, optimizing application functionality, protecting against attacks, etc. In this article we'll try to discover the real project development costs and how to reduce it.

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How to Develop Custom Food Delivery Service

Today, when so many companies suffer and even go bankrupt because of the COVID-19 pandemic, someone has a real chance to make a profit. What companies got a good opportunity for development amid the general crisis? Let’s find it out.

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The Evolution of AI in eCommerce and What to Expect in 2020

The sphere of eCommerce is going to gross 700 billion USD by 2022. The usage of AI in eCommerce paves the road to the easy to use, safe and profitable online platforms.

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E-Learning Website Development - Reveal the Secrets of Udemy- or Coursera- like Platforms Creation

The learning and training landscape has dramatically changed over the past decade. However, even more vital the aspect of online education and consequently software for e-learning development became during the pandemic of COVID 19. Let’s have a closer look at this.

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How to Plan a Mobile App Development, and Draw the Roadmap of the New App Launch

The modern tendency for digitization has gained the upper hand in the world and the development of mobile apps is a part of it. Nowadays Businesses either have already created applications to reach their customers more efficiently or question themselves how to make a mobile app for Android or iOS to bring their services and products to the target users through mobile solutions.

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