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Top 7 Agile Software Development Myths You Should Avoid


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Software development methodologies are full of various complications and mysteries. Every single one of them was created to make certain work processes more simple. Meanwhile, when a certain part of work is optimized, new issues appear. This is a never-ending process of continuous improvements which may bring unexpected results. 

We dedicate this article to the question that bothers many entrepreneurs worldwide: is there something wrong with Agile? Are there any pitfalls to avoid? To get the detailed answers, join us on this fascinating journey to Agile essentials.

Is There Any Planning in Agile?

This is the very first and truly exceptional myth we will draw your attention to. The Agile methodology pursuits an increase in efficiency. A simple but informative guide to the Agile methodology helps to understand how to organize the development processes right. Arguably, there is a lack of planning in Agile. In Waterfall, we have a lot of plans. Project managers create a huge to-do list, and their co-workers give feedback on the plan.

This however means a lot of paperwork, wasted time and zero flexibility while being stuck to the defined plan. Alternatively, there is Agile methodology which divides development into small sprints with dedicated brief plans. The dedicated plan is built for each 2-week sprint. At the same time, a retrospective of each sprint allows you to see common mistakes and complications, so it gets easier to find a way to avoid them in the future.

Unfortunately, for old-school managers, this type of organizing the work processes seems to mean there is a lack of planning in Agile. However, in fact, Agile is full of small plans that together have a better value than Waterfall planning. The business profit is created by the plans that work, not by the ones that take time and look impressive.

What Are the Top 7 Agile Development Myths?

The discussion around the Agile methodology is full of the opposite points of view. There are 2 main reasons for this:

  • this software development methodology is rather new and innovative,
  • it is quite popular and convenient, so thousands of teams use, discuss and review its efficiency.

New myths appear every day. People try to convince each other to share their opinions, and sometimes the arguments are just nonsense. We gathered various points of view, compared them and defined the top seven myths you should not trust.

1. Design Over Everything

People that have just come to the software development party often believe that it is design that really matters. There is a poor understanding of what is actually behind a lovely interface, so too much time, money and attention are dedicated to the design process.

2. ...or Do We Even Need a Designer on Our Team?

On the other hand, sometimes we hear the opposite opinion. “Do we need a designer? Why? What for? The software product must work, not attract” and so on. The backend is paid a lot of attention while the design is abandoned completely.

3. Changes Can Lead to a Better Result

There is another interesting point of view: if it does not work with a certain technology, let’s switch to another one. If we cannot make it with Java, let’s try C#. If the development problems occur with Angular, the things will change with ReactJS. The requirements change as frequently as possible and are believed to improve the process.

4. Waterfall is Perfect!

A huge number of entrepreneurs solemnly believes in the Waterfall methodology. The accurate planning of the whole process at the very beginning, the defined steps for any possible situation make people feel more confident.

5. Design and Development Are Completely Different Areas

The next Agile software development myth is that design is fully separated from development. At the same time, designers have no idea what the development team deals with, and developers contemn design.

6. The Best Technology Would Remain the Best for Any Project

The lists of the best technologies, tools and approaches are extremely long. The product owners that once implemented one of the best technologies to their project state that there is no other way to achieve great results with other technologies.

7. Release is the Final Point

When the destination is reached, there is no need for software development services. The product is up and running, so it’s time to say goodbye to the development team. 

Crushing the Legends

We gathered some funny and mysterious legends regarding what people think about the software development industry. In this chapter, we will provide you with the most common myths and debunk them within a few sentences!

  • Only Nerds and Science Geeks Know How to Code

Yes, you definitely need to have a technical mindset to succeed in programming. But these days, developers are funny, open-minded and interesting people with a lot of interests and normal social behaviour.

  • Programming Means Coding

Programming is a skill, and coding means using a certain language, framework or tool to reach the required result. Essentially, you need to learn programming before you start coding.

  • Programming Is a Piece of Cake

Software development requires a lot of time, skills and efforts. Theoretically, everyone can learn programming, but it is a rather challenging and complicated process. 

  • The IT Labor Market Is Overflown

The industry is rather young, and many professionals turn their heads towards it. But even if it seems like the number of IT specialists grows, and the number of job openings decreases, it is not like that. Qualified software engineers are always valued.

  • IT Requires Specific Education

No, you do not need to have a Master’s Degree in Information Technologies to start coding, as well as your employees do not have to demonstrate their diplomas to get a position on your project. 

How To Avoid Agile Myths

As you can see, IT myths can be easily debunked. So, what about Agile myths?

We have provided you with the information about the greatest Agile myths above. Now, let’s see how you can avoid these pitfalls:

  • pay attention to both design and development processes in order to bring your clients a lovely interface and a powerful functionality,
  • make sure your team is open to new technologies and approaches while striving to bring a perfect result with a defined set of tools,
  • divide your project development into small iterations in order to make it more flexible and customer-oriented,
  • ensure that the design, development, testing and management teams work closely to bring the idea to life,
  • thoroughly analyze your clients’ wishes and requirements and choose the custom solution that will be a perfect fit for the project,
  • continue your cooperation with clients even after the solution is launched, so in case they need any support, you are always here.


Myths and legends come and go while facts stay to guarantee the reliability of a certain technology. The Agile approach is great for software development projects, and a trustworthy team of skilled IT engineers can introduce you to all the perks of the high-quality Agile development. 

Contact us today and experience the benefits of Agile development in practice!

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