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Post-Launch MVP Activities: What You Must do Within Next 12 Weeks to Increase the Probability of Success


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There is usually quite an amount of resources spent creating minimum viable products (MVP). The steps to launch an MVP include the work of designers, developers, and testers altogether but is this really all? On this stage, you are only starting to build your relations with customers and your business progress depends on how you present your company and its work.

In this article, we will discuss the possible post-launch MVP activities in more detail. What measures to take and what factors to consider? Below, we will try to answer all these questions.

Post-Launch MVP Checklist: Test and Analyze Your Results

Companies are starting to value design more than ever. As a result, we are increasingly seeing better designed products and experiences every day. In general, great design should almost go unnoticed. That said, poor design sticks out like sore thumbs. As you use products, actively process what makes using it enjoyable or unpleasant. Instead of taking things at face value, ask yourself why something works or why it breaks down. Why do you think certain actions you complete in a product comes naturally to you. Look for common patterns both within an experience as well as across different products.

1. User Testing

Every product, regardless of the industry, should be created with a customer in mind. Web and mobile applications are not an exception and gathering feedback from the users is a vital step after the MVP soft launch.

Working on the product concept, you might have drawn the portrait of your target audience - these users should be the first to try out your MVP and share their opinions. You may also ask your development team or some of your friends and family members but their feedback is not exactly the goal of your business idea.

2. Collecting Feedback

Start to follow your MVP release by gathering the feedback from a group of users who had no previous experience with your creation. The reactions and observations provided by users in such a testing should be thoroughly documented and analyzed by marketers and developers.

If you communicate with a broader audience, you can ask users to leave their feedback via social media. Consult UX experts who know how to include this stage into the user data flow. If you need more structured feedback, there is an option to communicate with customers via email or surveys. This way, all the information you need will be gathered centrally and can be processed immediately.

3. Data Analysis

It is also helpful to get the overall review of the user activities inside an app when you launch MVP. Сustomer behaviors can be tracked with the help of several lines of code and further gathered into a statistics reports that would demonstrate the points to focus your attention at. The analytics data is strictly objective and reveals any flaws that your team may have overlooked.

The most useful points of the application stats:

  • The number of visitors;
  • The number of active users within a day or a month;
  • The number of app installs;
  • The average time spent by a user in different app modules;
  • The average duration of a user session;
  • Customer satisfaction rate (usually based on the customer support analytics);
  • Metrics specific for a product (e.g. the number of tickets booked within an app);
  • Cohort analysis;
  • Churn rate;
  • Sales and income statistics.

4. Marketing Activities

When you gather enough data about typical users of your product - it is time to give some valuable info back. At the first opportunity, you should consider starting the marketing activities to promote your application.  Most companies nowadays opt for the inbound marketing and this choice is fully justified by the practice.

The core idea of the inbound marketing is to provide customers with valuable information, gradually increasing awareness about your company. This is a much softer way of promotion than the outbound marketing when aggressive marketing campaigns take place. And what is more important, in the process the trustful relationships with partners and customers are built - this will greatly reduce the probability of cases when a startup launch MVP and failed right after.

5. Social Activities

The inbound promotion strategy implies the involvement of as many social channels as possible. For instance, you have written a blog post aimed at a specific audience. How exactly are you going to share it?

  • Social networks. You have to make a list of social networks that you consider to be the most important for your business. After creating a content plan, regular updates become a part of the promotion strategy.
  • Email marketing. Make it personal by sending information straight to the customer mailbox. People will gladly read your letters if you provide them with a useful and engaging content.
  • Third parties. You can also contract the opinion leaders who know your audience better. Using this method, you will receive more credit for your promotional materials.


It is really hard to wrap up a conversation when you have so much more things to say. But here is our main idea: post-launch MVP wellness tools and activities are all about communication. First, you gather feedback from your customers and your app statistics. Then, you start developing a content plan with useful information for your target audience. Only by listening actively and conducting researches, can you ensure a smooth 12-weeks launch process for MVP.

Do you have some questions that we did not answer here? Let us have a talk! Axisbits experts are always open for discussion on how to launch an MVP quickly and build it into a mature product.

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