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New SaaS business growth strategies. What to do when you just developed a new solution?


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The IT-industry is a place of fierce competition. You can hardly name any IT-scope with low rivalry. The SaaS field is not an exception.

Some SaaS providers evolve and turn into whale sharks of business. Others stagnate and eventually reduce their chance for growth to near-zero level. Why do only a handful of companies succeed? How can you become one of them?

The secret is in the ability to stand out. Our data-driven world is literally flooded with marketing campaigns, websites, posts, videos, etc. You need to stay unique and innovative, to be unusual and surprise people. This is where marketing strategies enter the stage.

You have to keep your head above the water and stand out among competitors. Let's find out how you can do it with these 5 growth strategies for SaaS businesses.

1. Make Your Website Fresh and Engaging

Let's face it, the days of static Wikipedia-like websites are numbered. Today is the era of interactive and responsive web platforms. This is the primary reason you want a decent UI/UX.

Furthermore, a nice website is a sign that you care about user experience. The more people enjoy your company website, the better impression of it they'll have.

Post on Your Website Regularly

Modern web users are used to the word 'proof'. As it turns out, they need proof to verify your expertise and reliability. Regular posts, news releases and similar content on your website show your consistency, progress, and most importantly, your strive for growth.

This is why software suppliers that post on a regular basis succeed:

  • They look proficient. Not only do these companies deliver decent software. They can write and explain how it works in simple words;
  • They are lively. Regular updates are a great sign of progress;
  • They are interesting. Quality copy always intrigues the reader, makes him want to find out more about the topic. This eventually converts visitors into customers.

A good example of this strategy is the Shopify Marketing Blog. You can find the most efficient ways to use the company's products there. This attracts the majority to a paid subscription.

Don't Stop at a Single Website, Create Landing Pages

Landing pages are an efficient tool for the promotion of your products. Usually, software suppliers create an LP for every major product they develop. Bright and colorful, these websites are perfect for increasing brand recognition.

2. Create Promotional Videos

We all know how engaging video content can be. Why not use it for promotional purposes? There are several rules you should follow to make a truly viral video.

All in all, here are the main principles you are to be guided by:

  • Decide on your brand voice. Is it funny, full of sparkling humor or serious, filled with understanding?
  • Relate to your target group. What are the issues your TG finds the most pressing? Cover them and offer a solution;
  • Express ideas in a smart way. Witty phrases, whether said in official or casual tone, encourage loyalty and trust.

Want to create an entertaining animated video? Watch Crazy Egg's explainer video for inspiration. Decided to produce a serious success-story video? Check out Salesforce content.

3. Offer Product Trials

Product trials help to convert even more potential customers. By offering a trial version of your software, you demonstrate your client-oriented approach and openness.

Why Product Trials Are Crucial

It is not only a matter of giveaway as a friendly gesture. It is about giving people the opportunity to test your product. It's a chance to see for themselves that your software is worth its price.

Whether you offer a limited version or just provide time-limited full access, it's fine. As long as users can try out its functionality, you make a huge step towards conversion rate increase.

4. Create Your Social Marketing Strategy

Social media is a naturally low-cost promotion platform. You can draw the target group’s attention to your brand by creating relevant content.

It's not a comprehensive SMM tutorial, but here are the main points to bear in mind:

  • Social networks are the entertainment. Remember this and form your post accordingly;
  • Keep the right post timing. Research your TG and discover its prime activity hours;
  • People love a freebie. Combine your SMM with free trials, add some special offers for subscribers.

5. Integrate the Referral Marketing

Referral systems are perfect for reaching an untapped audience. Basically, you offer rewards for bringing new customers to you. Whether there will be internal bonuses or even cash rewards, people would love to help you grow.

Play Big, Involve Content Makers

A popular referral marketing strategy is to offer special terms for youtubers, bloggers and other content makers. Give them a paid subscription for free in exchange for a review. You can also suggest some personal referral bonuses to entice them to work with you.

The Bottom Line

New SaaS businesses have several paths of growth. SMM, Landing Page strategy, viral promotional videos, and many other ways are waiting for you to implement them.

The only thing you should keep in mind is the enormous amount of work this requires. It takes a considerable time to create multiple websites, program the referral system or redesign your central platform. You have to be consistent and motivated to cope with this task. Involving professional assistance is also a viable option.

Stay creative and smart, and then success will be just a matter of time.

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